Tanya Swain is Shorey Chapel’s pianist. Tanya played the piano along with Emily playing the organ, together they made beautiful music.
Sunday, May 29, 2011, was the last official Sunday Emily Floyd would be director of music for Shorey Chapel. For over 20 years, she has been Shorey Chapel’s music director, helping us all make a “joyful noise to the Lord”. She began playing with Liz Kerr in 1989 – Liz on the organ and Emily on the piano, the two women filled this sanctuary with hear and soul. Emily slid onto the organ bench when Liz moved to Cambridge, and she has bee there ever since. In the mid 1990s, Emily drew Tanya Swain in to play the piano, and the tradition lived on.
From prelude to postlude – whether it was for worship, for a wedding or a memorial service, for a Sunday school Christmas pageant, a choral anthem, or congregational singing, Emily has brought a spirit of joy and devotion to the music ministry of this church. Her music has lifted our spirits, it has calmed us in the midst of chaos, has drawn us together in memory, has helped create the atmosphere of reverence or celebration, and has comforted us in our times of loss and grief. Throughout the years, Emily’s love for God, the church, and especially the people of Shorey Chapel has sung out loud and clear in her music and in her personal touch of friendship. For all of this and so much more, we are grateful.