Mission Work

Fran, Craigen, and Patty

Honduras Partnership

Since 2004, Shorey Chapel has been an active participant in the Maine-Honduras Partnership, a covenantal relationship between the churches of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ and t he Evangelical and Reformed Church of Honduras.  Establish in 1998 as a response to the devastation left by Hurricane Mitch, teams have gone from the churches of the Maine Conference to partner with the E & R churches of Honduras to help rebuild and repair their churches, parsonages, homes, schools, and bridges, and to provide medical care and treatment – at the same time building relationships that transcend cultures, theological differences, and language
barriers.  Of equal blessing, we have welcomed pastors and their wives as well as two groups of youth here to Maine.  Members of the churches, belonging to the Living Water Association, continue to fund and support students in their schooling.   Together we are the body of Christ


One of Shorey Chapel primary outreach ministries is the Clearwater Food Pantry.
Located on Route 148, the Pantry has been extending a helping hand to an
ever-increasing number of individuals and families in Industry, New Sharon, and
Chesterville, plus surrounding towns when in need.  Members of Shorey Chapel volunteer at the Pantry, our pastor and members of the church serve on the Board of Directors of the Clearwater Ministries (which has oversight of the Pantry), and the church has a Blesssing Box outside of the church which is supported by the members with food in which anyone can stop by at any time and help themselves.

The Clearwater Food Pantry is open Monday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00.  All
information is kept strictly confidential..
For more information, anyone is welcome to call Brenda Bickford (207-778-3368).

Shorey Chapel holds a Winter Coat and  Warm Items Give Away, every October.  Everything is free. The church pews are full of coats of all sizes and the vestry is full of mittens, hats, boots/shoes, and many other items.  Contact is Karen Bivans at 610-217-7762 email karenbivans@icloud.com

Shorey Chapel holds spring and fall public suppers and a walk for heat in which the funds are divided between the ECU Heating Fund for those who need help during the winter with keeping warm and for the Shorey Chapel Heating Fund. Contact is Dan Palmer 207-778-4158 email dapal@beeline-online.net

Many other Missions are donated to throughout the calendar year.